Friday 20 November 2020

Nail bites - diy nails

 We’re about halfway through lockdown two ... although much seems quite normal. Except the pubs and restaurants are closed, along with all beauty services including mobile..

The roads are busy, kids are at school, work goes on as usual, the shops are pretty normal.

But you can’t get your nails treated! So what do you do if you have a fast-growing manicure? well, for gel if you can wait please do. 

Otherwise, don’t be tempted to pick the gel off, keep using the cuticle oil. You c an get acetone solutions from online stores - use with caution as it is a strong chemical! 

  • Gently break the surface of the gel polish with a nail file - but don’t file it to the nail surface!
  • Place an acetone-soaked cotton ball over the nail surface and secure with foil
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes, and then have a look tsee if you can gently push the polish off. If it doesn’t come away easily, soak the cotton wool again and repeat.
  • Once all the gel is removed, gently file your nails
  • Treat with cuticle oil, and keep using the oil at least twice daily.
  • Your nails will be ready for their Christmas manicure!


Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Sunday 1 November 2020

We’ve been here before ...

 So from early Thursday 5th  November we enter lockdown once again to cover England. Not as restricted as earlier this year, but bad enough. Only shops selling essentials will be able to open. Beauty services including nail salons/mobiles are not essential and we therefore cannot operate.

Ever since the first lockdown ended, business for all nail and beauty salons has been slow. People have managed for so long and now they are not quite so dependant on us. And with many holidays out of the question, family events being restricted to small numbers of guests, we haven’t got the occasions to go to that we normally look forward to and enjoy. It’s great to be able to treat ourselves, but then a lot of people are facing jobloss if they haven’t already lost their jobs. 

With the uncertainty of the immediate future, I didn’t advertise as much as pre-lockdown. This was because I wanted to guarantee my clients’ and my own safety so for now I don’t offer back-to-back appointments, and no parties. I have a steady flow of clients, both regular and occasional. Luckily I also have my ‘day job’ so this is not my only source of income, like many of my colleagues. At the moment my mobile nail business is more pleasure for me!

So when Thursday arrives, there will be for now minimal impact to my clients.I have been able to bring forward some appointments so precious clients can enjoy their treatment pre-lockdown, and hopefully we can get back to normal after a successful period of lockdown.

While in lockdown, I will be able to experiment again with different techniques, colours and designs - and of course my own nails! Along with baking, reading, walking ... all the things we were able to rediscover earlier this year.

So don’t despair, this is all for the greater good - and we will be back!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Monday 26 October 2020

Nail Bites - smooth or not so smooth?

Preparation is key in everything we do, and a manicure is no different.

Many nail techs will do a great job of filing and shaping your nails, much better than you can do yourself. We are used to shaping your nail efficiently and evenly, and we have the tools to be able to do this. 

So after filing your nails you might think that they are ready for the gel polish application.

But as we file your nails, we are also assessing their condition and looking for signs of breakage or splitting, or anything else that could compromise the quality of your manicure.

Any rogue cuticles can be pushed back at this point, giving a good nail surface to work with.

E-files (electric files) can be used at his stage, although I prefer to use a manicure file. Some nail techs will also file the surface of the nail - this is something I won’t do!

I have had a few manicures where the filing of my nail surface has made my nails incredibly sensitive, but it also weakened my nails to an extent where I had to let them grow out over a period of several months to allow them to recover. 

I gave this step a lot of consideration before removing it from my process. I don’t want to hurt my clients!

But I also found out that not every nail is the same, in the same way as no face is the same.

But I also found out that:

Nails have wrinkles!

Yes, just like our skin nails can become wrinkled with age. Although please don’t assume that your bumpy nails are just wrinkled as there are other reasons that can cause imperfections in the nail, so if in doubt always consult a medical professional. Your nail tech will not continue your manicure if there is any doubt regarding the good health of your nails. 

But if your nails have wrinkles there is really no need to file them out! The products I use - base coat, colour, top coat - are all self-levelling, meaning they will smooth out any bumps on the nail. 

Which in turn means that I can offer a gentle experience to your nails, while also giving you a great manicure!

If you have any questions concerning any part of your manicure, please do ask. 

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Thursday 15 October 2020

Nail Bites - anyone for Lilac?

 I have so many wonderful colours. Each one is chosen because I like it and I would be very happy to wear it. But there are just not enough days in the yea to wear every single colour and combination! The next best thing is to create a gorgeous manicure in these colours for my clients. 

I am always happy with the choice each client makes - there has never been a time when I have doubted a client’s choice. 

So this particular manicure, for a very special person, was an absolute pleasure to do. She initially chose a very pale lilac, which was delicate and pretty, but together we decided to go for a little more depth. And a dainty white flower decal on the ring fingers to make it even more special. 

So this lady was ready for work, play, and a well-deserved treat for herself. Sometimes you need that me-time!

Proud to be a Nail Tech


07727 110413 

Sunday 4 October 2020

October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

 Autumn has finally arrived after a long and luxuriously sunny Summer. With Autumn comes conkers, hibernation, chillier evenings, and brisker winds. Thoughts of Winter are ever closer now! 

October brings Halloween, Stoptober where we can pledge to quit a habit such a smoking, or take a break from drinking alcohol.

October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month - raising awareness of this terrible cancer which can affect anyone, whether you know someone who is fighting it or you are fighting it yourself, or you are involved in research, or raising funds fo that important research, or you are treating a patient with this disease .... it affects every person, regardless of age, gender, religion, wealth, beliefs, likes, dislikes ... every person can and will be affected in some way by this.

23rd October is Wear it Pink - when you can join in and have some fun too! If you know me then you will also know that pink is favourite colour of mine ... in heraldic terms it signifies romance, love and friendship; and denotes feminine qualities and passiveness. But this can be no time for being passive in this fight against cancer! We all have part to play, no matter how small you feel that part is we are all involved this together. I pledge to donate 20% of each extra item sold from my Love Your| goodies. So whether for your self or someone you care about, have a look at my website where you will find plenty of salon quality spa treats at very affordable prices.

I look forward to lots of pink this month!

07727 110413 

Proud to be a Nail Tech 

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Nail bites - Pink sparkles

 I have so many colours I daren’t even begin to count them. I have chosen each of them because I would be very happy to wear them - there are not nearly enough days in the year for me to try each and every colour! Plus as many of you will know I like to mix it up a bit with a design or mix of colours - I have never had the same combination more than once! I love a bit of sparkle, even just a hint of a sparkle to catch the light. And a sparkle with a colour, well that is just perfect!

One of my clients chose the Pink Sparkle - beautiful champagne pink overflowing with gorgeous pink sparkling bubbles ... on every nail it look absolutely stunning. Just like wearing your most precious jewels every day. Because your manicure is an accessory you should be proud to wear! Even on the dullest day when I look at my manicure I smile and feel os much brighter.

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Nail bites - Behind the mask

 I’m loving being able to see all my lovely clients once again. The one question the have each asked me: am I busy?

Well, I’m not cramming appointments in as I did before the pandemic. 

This is out of a mixture of not wanting to over-commit my time, a need for extra time to manage the extra precautions we now all have to take, and having had so much free time during lockdown I have an absolute desire to enjoy my life taking time for myself. 

And so the clients I am seeing enjoy an unhurried appointment with total focus on their needs. We have all been through a lot, and we all deserve this, my clients are no exception! 

With gifts of extra advice and expert knowledge, or a mini treat to use between appointments, I want each client to enjoy a very special experience. Under that mask we have to wear it is impossible to see a nice smile so this has to be translated in other ways!

And when I leave my client feels relaxed, special, and in possession of a beautiful treat they can wear everyday!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Just like Granny’s!

 I was very fortunate if a little reluctant to be gifted some windfall apples recently.

I haven’t baked anything for years, my reason being that if I bake it I have to eat it ... and I can do without the calories!

So I perused the Internet searching for a suitable recipe that didn’t require ingredients that I will never use again, and didn’t require too much effort. There are so many recipes out there, tried and tasted apparently by their creators. I wanted something a little more challenging than an apple crumble, which I rediscovered in my trusty old Be-Ro book. I was side-tracked for a while as I carefully turned the remains of the pages, remembering all the dishes I have made using this book, handed to me by my Granny many many years ago. It was always my reliable go-to for basic cakes that could be made special enough for Sunday teas and even birthday cakes. Enough daydreaming, and back to my search! 

I happened upon a promising recipe which called for very few ingredients and was an easy rubbed-in method so required no special equipment! The only thing I needed to buy was a loaf tin - perfect!

And so my Apple Loaf was born, emerging from the oven with the most delicious aroma ... and now I am sitting with a cup of Earl Grey tea and a slice of my cake.

Thinking about all the cakes and cookies I can bake ... mmm!

Saturday 22 August 2020

Nail bites - sheer sophistication!

 It has been a busy week with one thing and another.

Trying to plan a camping holiday when everything is already fully booked is not much fun! But we have managed to get some time in later in the year to some exciting places that we have never visited before.

I had the pleasure of creating a beautiful gel manicure which glimmers and shines, yet is cool and understated. Using Halo gels with Butterscotch as a base colour overlaid with a very beautiful Rose Gold.

There is nothing loud or brash about this combination; it is pure chic, beautifully stylish. 

And yet, when it catches the light .... wow watch out! 

This is a magical beauty, sheer sophisticated elegance!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Thursday 13 August 2020

Nail bites - Gel or not?

 I offer gel polish  because of its versatility, durability, flexibility ... I have an impressive range of colours, from three systems - each with their own advantages. And of course most of the products I use are vegan and cruelty free. 

Through Lockdown I have been using Orly Breathables for my own nails, a lot! 

A single product that includes base coat, colour, top coat, and lots of goodies to treat the nail with - and the nail really does benefit!

It isn’t an easy product to use as a rule, but I have found that I can use it very successfully, even including some abstract nail art - I have shared some of my designs. 

It is the perfect choice for some clients. 

An allergy to any part of the gel manicure is nasty, but this range offers the client a pretty and affordable alternative to gel polish. 

And there is also the versatility for the client of being able to remove the polish at home! This is great, because quite often a manicure is for a special occasion. The client might prefer to be able to remove the polish easily at home, maybe their job doesn’t allow them to wear it at work - for anyone with a role within a clinical profession you will know that only too well. 

So it is always nice to be able to treat yourself or someone close to you to a lovely luxurious manicure, safe in the knowledge that the product can be removed at home before going back to work.

And I am discovering new colours within the range all the time!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Sunday 9 August 2020

Nail bites - Astral Flip?!

 If you have been reading my blog - and a massive thank you if you have! - you will know that I have been using Orly Breathables -the perfect mix of base coat, top coat, added nutrient goodies, and a beautiful colour - for some time over lockdown. 

I didn’t think that these polishes could be as versatile as I have found them. And yet I have created some designs that I absolutely adore! 

This time I fancied a red; I went for Astral Flairest. 
Which went on nice and smoothly, with great coverage. I really like this colour and can recommend it. 
But … if you know me, I can’t leave it a plain colour! 
I picked up Freudian Flip: iridescent tones of purple and blue … what could I do with this?
Sooo .. a flash of Freudian Flip graces each nail, just picking each one up and casting it into an orbit with the planets that traverse our skies.

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Nail Bites - Frankincense and Sun

Wow this is an amazing colour. 
My lovely client had suffered two nail breaks so her nails were quite short, but in great condition. Lockdown has meant a beneficial break from nail treatments, hair treatments … so I think that our bodies have flourished from a lack of attention. 
So having sanitised and prepped, her nails didn’t require much attention at all. We just needed to choose a colour!
Which my client pondered over and chose … 
A deep cinnamon red with a hint of sparkle. And add into this … the drama of a cat eye flash across each nail. 
The finished manicure was smart, sassy, and classy. It went perfectly with the outfit she was wearing, and also with her now slightly lighter hair colour. And yet we could see the manicure will also suit a smart lunch out with the girls, or a barbecue with good friends and cocktails. 
I was happy - and more importantly my client loved her nails!

 Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413

07727 110413 

Saturday 1 August 2020

Nail bites - First week back!

This was my first week back, visiting some of my lovely clients.
It was so good to see you all, and also to give your hands a beautifying manicure.
Once you get used to having your nails ‘done’ it is second nature, like going to the hairdressers. And we all missed our hair appointments!
So it was a relief to be able to tidy up your nails and give them the well-served luxury of a pretty gel manicure. 
It not only lifts the spirits and makes us feel good, it is also beneficial to the health of the nails. And of course I always enjoy talking to each of you!
Thank you to all my Nails to You friends!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Saturday 25 July 2020

A weekend away

What a wonderful opportunity for a weekend away.

This week we played host to a very important member of the family. Polly is a discerning lady, a proper Princess. She has enjoyed a week at home with us: we have walked and played and had lots of fun together. 

Before she goes home we dusted off the motor home and set off for the Cotswolds - not far from where she lives. 
We settled on a quiet campsite - several fields, a pool, a lovely walk around a quarry. Perfect spot to relax in. 
And even better there is a pub just five minutes walk away! 
Polly slipped in to camping life very easily: sitting outside watching the world go by. The multitude of bees busily going about their business. A gentle stroll though the lusciously long grass, a roll in the purple clover adorning the velvety verges. 
I think she is having a great time, just chilling out!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Saturday 18 July 2020

Nail bites - A Mermaid’s Tale

I have recently been using colours from the Orly Breathable range for my own nails.

This is a range of beautiful colours, that include base and top coats, and colour. As well as all this, each colour is packed full of conditioners and treatments for your nails. It dries fairly quickly which is always good with a nail polish. Plus it is so easily removed with ordinary nail polish remover. So I can change my style as often as I want!

Today I chose Detox My Socks Off (oh yes, each colour has a really funky name!), which I decorated with Freudian Flip. And yes, you can achieve a decent design with it if you work quickly (it really does dry speedily)!

I created a magical mix of colour. 

Imagine the bright sun’s rays dancing over the light blue ocean, with a hint of iridescent blue as it catches the light ... and a twist of silvery jewels glittering in the rippling water. 
A hint of a movement in the sparkling ocean ... was that a tale? 

I have found A Mermaid’s Tale.

I hope you like it as much as I do!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Thursday 16 July 2020

Nail bites - prepare for your appointment

For many of you, you will be looking forward to your first appointment with your nail tech for a long time.
You might have had to cut your nails, or file them. You might have had a go at painting them. 
It’s all ok. 
But to get the most out of your appointment you will certainly benefit from some easy maintenance of your hands and nails. 
Of course you will have been wearing marigold gloves (other household gloves are available!) every time you are remotely near any detergent or cleaning product (!) If not, maybe you should do now ... to protect your hands and nails from the everyday chemicals we use around the house. After all, you wouldn’t rub your bleach spray all over your face!
So the gloves will help to protect your skin against the harmful chemicals we use every day around the home.
But in addition, your nails will benefit from cuticle oil rubbed around the cuticle twice daily - try it when you are sat with a cuppa watching the TV for five minutes. Finish with hand cream. Lashings of hand cream! Especially with the extra hand washing we are doing, and the hand sanitiser we are all using - finish every time with a nourishing hand cream.
Give your hands and nails the absolute best opportunity for your next manicure.
Poorly maintained nails will not be as receptive to your gel manicure. If you can look after your hands and nails in between manicures, you will have a much longer lasting gel manicure. As a nail tech, I am with you for an hour or so; the treatment that I can give to your nails will not last for the two weeks until your next appointment!
Make the absolute most of your next appointment - we are looking forward to seeing all of our clients!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Nails to You ... and You, and You and You!

I am so excited, I have had a brilliant day!
I know that a lot of beauticians and nail techs opened their doors to clients on Monday, but I like many others am getting everything prepared and leaving nothing to chance. 
I have all the necessary PPE. My appointment book is filling up fast! So from the 27th July I will be meeting all my lovely clients again. I can’t wait to see them, and hear all about their experiences of lockdown. 
It will be like a reunion! 
And just in time for Summer. Whether going on holiday or not a pretty manicure is the perfect treat to self to lift the spirits and make you feel elegant/pretty/beautiful/trendy/creative/fun/ ... 
I have added some important information about your appointment to my website which you will find useful: there are certain things we have all had to put in place following the pandemic.
It will doubtless be a different experience but I know we can make it a pampering treat that you deserve.

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413

Sunday 12 July 2020

Nails to You - Mobile Manicures to Your Home!

The Beauty industry including mobile therapists - me! - have been given the go-ahead to start beautifying our lovely clients once more!
It seems like we were in lockdown for absolutely ages, and lots of changes have happened in between.
The COVID19 situation has forced a lot of change upon all of us, from the way we go about our daily lives, to the way in which businesses can safely operate.
I have thought long and hard about what I need to put in place, in line with government guidance. I have produced a document detailing what to expect from your experience with me - you can download and read it in full on my website.

The highlights and main changes that you will see are:

  • I will be wearing a visor when I come to your home, and I will expect you to wear a face mask
  • I will also wear single-use clinical gloves for your treatment
  • I will continue to use my usual nail files which I like, but they will become specific to each client and stored safely between appointments 
  • Card payment will be preferred, and my card reader supports contactless payment.

I can’t wait to see you all again; I have lots of new colours for you to try!

Proud to be a Nail Tech
07727 110413 

Thursday 9 July 2020

Nail bites - a quick tidy up!

Look at my nails, I hope you like them as much as I do!
I enjoy creating something which is unique to each client, and I know that I have never had exactly the same design more than once!
When I am doing my own nails I have a vague idea of what I am aiming for, but invariably I create as  I go along. Often the client will have a definite idea of what they want, but this often evolves as the design takes shape.

Today I used Orly Breathables, starting with TLC - a pale purple, tipped with Pick Me Up - a deeper purple, blending the two colours wth You’re A Gem - giving a beautiful shimmer.
And an enchanted design now adorns my fingernails!

Orly Breathables are a range of nail polish that contains base coat, colour, and top coat all in one - oh and lots of other goodies are packed in to nourish the nails while giving a beautiful colour. It is easily and quickly removed with regular nail polish remover, revealing nicely conditioned, healthy nails.
Perfect if you don’t want the commitment of a gel polish, or your nails have been suffering, or you just want a break from gel polish. It isn’t as durable as gel polish, but expect around a week’s wear if you treat it well.

Proud to be a Nail Tech
07727 110413 

Monday 6 July 2020

Super weekend!

This weekend was very exciting; it is a real sign that we could be emerging from the pandemic that has choked us for the last four long months.
On Saturday, hospitality including pubs, and our lovely hairdressers were allowed to open their doors again and welcome us in. 
A very happy moment, more for the sense of increasing freedom!
After a busy day yesterday - well it would have been such a shame not to pop into a pub after all this time - I decided to try my new body scrub.
It is made of coffee, with sea salt and manuka honey amongst other things. It’s something that is dry, and needs to be rubbed into wet skin. 
It was just like dried filter coffee, and smelt the same! It rubbed in nicely, with the satisfying aroma of delicious coffee. Luckily I had stood in the bath while doing this because it was impossible not to lose some to the floor - so I was standing in what looked like a watery drink of coffee! 
The time soon came to rinse it off ... to reveal beautifully soft skin with a delicate hint of coffee. 
I can recommend it!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Friday 3 July 2020

Nail bites - more freedom!

Tomorrow is the day many of us have been waiting for, and for different reasons:

  • The pubs are opening! - with certain restrictions
  • The hairdressers are opening - which I am very excited about! I even have a much sought-after appointment which I am looking forward to!

Sadly the beauty salons, including nail bars, and of course mobile technicians, are not among this latest phase of lockdown release. Which is not entirely a bad thing; this means we can take advice from our sister profession and learn from them as to what will work and what will become best practice. 
In the meantime we will continue to look after our own nails, and prepare for opening day. 
So I gave my hands and nails a luxurious treatment which included a luscious soak, collagen gloves (which I absolutely adore), treat for my nails, and a gel manicure. I chose Sail Away by Cuccio, a deliciously pale and delicate pink which goes perfectly with denim, linen, a floral tea dress - and compliments any work outfit too. 
So wile you are maintaining your nails at home, lavishing them with cuticle oil and hand cream, have a think about what you would like for your next manicure with me ... I can’t wait to see you again!

Proud to be a Nail Tech
07727 110413 

Saturday 20 June 2020

Summer Solstice 2020

20th June 2020, at 21:43

The Summer Solstice - Longest Day

From the Latin sol meaning Sun, and sistere meaning to come to a stop or stand still
The Sun will reach its northernmost position as seen from our Earth. The Sun’s zenith will stand still at the Tropic of Cancer, and then reverse its direction and start moving south again.
Astronomers and scientists take this date to be the first day of Summer, although meteorologists use the 1st June as the first day of Summer. 
The Arctic Circle will have 24 hours of continuous daylight. 

So today I thought I would take the opportunity to paint my nails s wonderful bright summery colour! I chose Sweet Treat by Cuccio, with a dash of Meet me in Helsinki, also byCuccio.
Today has been a wonderfully sunny day with just a sprinkle of rain earlier. Cheers to Summer!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Monday 15 June 2020

Nail bites - Dry nails?

No one has perfect nails; they are all unique and individual, in the same way that we have different skin needs. And nails age as our skin ages. The nails can become brittle, or split and flake easily, and pick up lumps and bumps long the way. 
I have noticed that my nails have ridges and various imperfections. When I have been to a beauty salon for a manicure, the technician has always buffed the nail plate until it was perfectly smooth, in spite of me asking them not to! This is fine up to a point - a gel manicure will not ‘stick’ to an oily nail. But I have found that there are other ways which are kinder to the nail.
I never buff the nail plate. The products I use are self-levelling and any bumps or ridges are usually ‘lost’ with application of the product. But for a deeply ridged nail - I would still advise against buffing the nail plate, embrace the different texture!Maybe even incorporate it into a design.
But in the meantime, as we wait for the lockdown to allow us to work on beautifying your nails once more, please please keep using that cuticle oil and look after those nails as best as you can! 

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Nail bites - Dreamy Manicure Part 2

I have talked about the magic bottle that allows me to simply peel off the gel polish.

I tested it out on my own nails, applying the liquid as per the instructions.
My gel manicure lasted as usual; it is an exceptional brand which I like to use, although it can be tricky to apply because it has a tendency to flood the cuticles. Especially when applying it to my own nails, that is always challenging! 
So I had no chips, no peeling at the edges, no discolouration. I was very happy with it! 

I decided to try to peel the gels off, as per the instructions.
Gently lifting a small corner of the first nail with an orange stick, I slowly managed to peel it off. It went remarkably well! Encouraged by this initial success I went for the next ... and continued. It was so easy, some came off in more than one piece but even then it was easy to peel the gel from the nail.
And the condition of the nails? As we all know, a gel manicure should not be picked at or peeled off because it damages the nail and also takes with it a tiny layer of the nail. And using acetone to remove gel polish is very drying to the nails; if you soak the whole fingertip in acetone it dries the skin out as well. But in this case, I was able to peel the gel off, revealing nails that are in the same good condition as when I did the manicure! I treated them to more cuticle oil massaging it in to the nails themselves as well. And a bit of handcream to complete the treatment.

I am very happy with the results of my test! I will definitely be offering this as a treatment! Thank you Cuccio for this innovation in nail care.

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Sunday 7 June 2020

Nail bites - Dreamy Manicure Part 1

My hands are certainly much drier and in need of hydration with all the hand sanitiser that I am using. 
I have given them a deeply nourishing hand treatment twice a week to help them out, and the Collagen gloves  - available from my online shop at Love Your| - so easy to use and yet offer so much luxury to my poor hands!

I have also invested in a revolutionary treatment which you apply to the nail before the base coat and colour etc. I am very excited about it and if it works it will certainly add to the gel manicure experience. 

Oh sorry I haven’t said what it is yet have I?
Well, normally your gel polish needs to be removed professionally after two - three weeks maximum of wear, using acetone and taking around 15 - 25 minutes. Longer if you are someone who leaves your gel on for several weeks! 
With this nifty addition to my box of tricks, I can simply peel the polish off from each nail! This eliminates the need for soaking each nail in acetone - and the long wait for the acetone to do its magic! And it is better for the health of the nail. 
So this little bottle of wonder arrived last week, and I have started to test it out. I am excited to see if the claims live up to the actual experience. 
For my gel polish, I have used a very sheer pink with some very subtle specks and sparkles over the top, all using the same system as my magic bottle.
I will of course let you know if it works when I come to remove the polish!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413