Tuesday 8 September 2020

Nail bites - Behind the mask

 I’m loving being able to see all my lovely clients once again. The one question the have each asked me: am I busy?

Well, I’m not cramming appointments in as I did before the pandemic. 

This is out of a mixture of not wanting to over-commit my time, a need for extra time to manage the extra precautions we now all have to take, and having had so much free time during lockdown I have an absolute desire to enjoy my life taking time for myself. 

And so the clients I am seeing enjoy an unhurried appointment with total focus on their needs. We have all been through a lot, and we all deserve this, my clients are no exception! 

With gifts of extra advice and expert knowledge, or a mini treat to use between appointments, I want each client to enjoy a very special experience. Under that mask we have to wear it is impossible to see a nice smile so this has to be translated in other ways!

And when I leave my client feels relaxed, special, and in possession of a beautiful treat they can wear everyday!

Proud to be a Nail Tech




07727 110413 

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