Sunday 1 November 2020

We’ve been here before ...

 So from early Thursday 5th  November we enter lockdown once again to cover England. Not as restricted as earlier this year, but bad enough. Only shops selling essentials will be able to open. Beauty services including nail salons/mobiles are not essential and we therefore cannot operate.

Ever since the first lockdown ended, business for all nail and beauty salons has been slow. People have managed for so long and now they are not quite so dependant on us. And with many holidays out of the question, family events being restricted to small numbers of guests, we haven’t got the occasions to go to that we normally look forward to and enjoy. It’s great to be able to treat ourselves, but then a lot of people are facing jobloss if they haven’t already lost their jobs. 

With the uncertainty of the immediate future, I didn’t advertise as much as pre-lockdown. This was because I wanted to guarantee my clients’ and my own safety so for now I don’t offer back-to-back appointments, and no parties. I have a steady flow of clients, both regular and occasional. Luckily I also have my ‘day job’ so this is not my only source of income, like many of my colleagues. At the moment my mobile nail business is more pleasure for me!

So when Thursday arrives, there will be for now minimal impact to my clients.I have been able to bring forward some appointments so precious clients can enjoy their treatment pre-lockdown, and hopefully we can get back to normal after a successful period of lockdown.

While in lockdown, I will be able to experiment again with different techniques, colours and designs - and of course my own nails! Along with baking, reading, walking ... all the things we were able to rediscover earlier this year.

So don’t despair, this is all for the greater good - and we will be back!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

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