Thursday 9 July 2020

Nail bites - a quick tidy up!

Look at my nails, I hope you like them as much as I do!
I enjoy creating something which is unique to each client, and I know that I have never had exactly the same design more than once!
When I am doing my own nails I have a vague idea of what I am aiming for, but invariably I create as  I go along. Often the client will have a definite idea of what they want, but this often evolves as the design takes shape.

Today I used Orly Breathables, starting with TLC - a pale purple, tipped with Pick Me Up - a deeper purple, blending the two colours wth You’re A Gem - giving a beautiful shimmer.
And an enchanted design now adorns my fingernails!

Orly Breathables are a range of nail polish that contains base coat, colour, and top coat all in one - oh and lots of other goodies are packed in to nourish the nails while giving a beautiful colour. It is easily and quickly removed with regular nail polish remover, revealing nicely conditioned, healthy nails.
Perfect if you don’t want the commitment of a gel polish, or your nails have been suffering, or you just want a break from gel polish. It isn’t as durable as gel polish, but expect around a week’s wear if you treat it well.

Proud to be a Nail Tech
07727 110413 

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