Saturday 20 June 2020

Summer Solstice 2020

20th June 2020, at 21:43

The Summer Solstice - Longest Day

From the Latin sol meaning Sun, and sistere meaning to come to a stop or stand still
The Sun will reach its northernmost position as seen from our Earth. The Sun’s zenith will stand still at the Tropic of Cancer, and then reverse its direction and start moving south again.
Astronomers and scientists take this date to be the first day of Summer, although meteorologists use the 1st June as the first day of Summer. 
The Arctic Circle will have 24 hours of continuous daylight. 

So today I thought I would take the opportunity to paint my nails s wonderful bright summery colour! I chose Sweet Treat by Cuccio, with a dash of Meet me in Helsinki, also byCuccio.
Today has been a wonderfully sunny day with just a sprinkle of rain earlier. Cheers to Summer!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

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