Monday 1 June 2020

Shopping Lockdown style!

It's been 'A Long Time' since lockdown began. 
I don't know if I will ever get used to it, I mostly have to accept it and 'KBO'!
I popped into the shop, a very short walk from me, to pick up a couple of things. Oh dear, how did I forget that I can't just 'pop in' to a shop any more, it is a major commitment! 
I was looking at the fruit and veg wondering what to get .. then started to feel pressured by the 'queue' of several people two metres behind me waiting for me to pick what I wanted and move on! I felt myself getting hot, my palms sweaty against the hard handle of the shopping basket .. what do I want, what do I need, why didn't I write myself a shopping list was all I could think. I was desperately trying to visualise the cupboards at home, try to think what I might have run out of. Grab something .. anything that looks like I might need it .. I went for a grab of bananas. I'm sure I need these, I usually buy them and I know I will eat them any way, and I can always use one for my hand treatment ... and I shuffled further into the shop. Reaching the end of the aisle, I had to check as thoroughly as I could that I didn't need anything from the next aisle .. once I've gone past I won't be able to go back, it's a one-way system in a tiny shop ffs! I stood and peered to the end of the aisle: don't need washing stuff, nor tins of baby food, do I risk wondering down there just in case? No, I don't want to lose my place in the line, there's so much pressure, what if I can't get back into the line of shoppers?! So I don't think I needed anything from there, too late if I did! 
So I went for the final aisle .. pick up some wine ... and wait to pay. Finally get to the cashier, at a respectful two metre distance, and point my phone at the payment thingy.
Phew, and I'm out! Into the fresh air. And oh my goodness, there was a queue with about eight anxious people waiting to go into the shop. Luckily I arrived at the right time and now have everything I need, I thought to myself (a little smugly maybe).
So a nice walk home and put this shopping away. Time for a nice cup of .. 
oh no! I needed coffee!! It was in the aisle that I had spent precious seconds scrutinising before deciding I needed nothing from there! Well, I wasn't going back, I'll have to make do with something else. Tut! 

Proud to be a Nail tech

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