Friday 22 May 2020

“We must just KBO”

When life gives us lemons ... we make lemonade. We are not programmed to give up. We adapt to whatever life throws at us. And sometimes life throws some pretty big rocks! 
The great Sir Winston Churchill had a phrase he used at the beginning of each day and at the end of every telephone call: 

Keep buggering on.

And that is what we do!

We are living through strange times, very strange. The like of which never been experienced before. Dare I say unprecedented! 
So we adapt, adjust, and change - not by choice but always with our stoic British good humour. 
Cheers to us all; we will one day view these times as history, a chronicle of a very strange period of time.
I came across the photo below and I think it describes perfectly - there is no obstacle to our success and well-being, nothing is impossible, we will carry on together in the face of all adversities - we will achieve the seemingly impossible.


Proud to be a Nail tech
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