Saturday 9 May 2020

Nail bites - time for my Feet Treat!

Pondering what to do today, it is after all Bank Holiday weekend. Hmmm .... I’ve walked, I’ve eaten until there are now no more yummy treats here .. so I’ll treat myself!
The weather is gorgeous, so out come the flip flops and sandals ... and the feet. Oh dear, so sadly neglected. I really need to do something with them.
So, I have been promising myself a nice pedicure for a while now - who knows how long, I’m on lockdown timezone! Today is the day!
I chose one of my favourites - Voesh’s Chocolate Love. Well, if I can’t eat it, I can wear it!
It was amazing, I sat on deck of the canal boat, looking across the still water .. ducks gently going about their business, birds singing. I think I saw a swift too! Garlands of white Hawthorn adorn the hedgerows, ready for the Bride to step through ... My feet gently soaking in a delicious salt soak, totally relaxed ... then a gentle scrub, focussing on the roughest areas of my poor feet, felt so relaxing. Then to the masque, coating each foot then relaxing, the delicious scents of chocolate mixing perfectly with the natural scents of nearby flowers. A thorough rinse off, and carefully dry each foot, and the final treat of lovely moisturiser. My feet feel revived!

Proud to be a Nail tech
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