Friday 8 May 2020

Friday May 8th, 2020, 75th Anniversary of VE Day

It’s a very special weekend in our Great British history. Today marks the 75th Anniversary of VE Day: Victory in Europe.
I imagine that celebrations, parades, parties, presentations, street parties and all sorts of things were in planning for many months.
But the virus has put a stop to all those plans. The Great British spirit will not to be thwarted by the virus! There are plenty of other things going on that we can all participate in - of course while observing social distancing rules.
An unusual type of street party will be taking place all over the country. There is a national picnic planned for 3pm. Family and friends will get together - virtually of course. And the two minute silence observed at 11am.
I am spending the weekend on the canal boat. It is so peaceful here - your wouldn’t think we were right next to the usually busy A38.
Listening to birds singing, the sun is shining on us all - it is quite soporific.
Not quite the celebration the nation had anticipated.
But we will keep buggering on! 


Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

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