Thursday 7 May 2020

Life in lockdown

Life has changed in a crazy way for most of us. 
There is so much going on ... and yet only one thing is responsible. 
The virus. 
It has brought out the best in people, made us stronger, more compassionate, more understanding, more appreciative of what we have in our lives. What we thought of as the important things in life have shifted. 
For those of us who are at home, either through work, or health reasons, the walls of our home are our bubble. This is where everything happens. Or doesn't happen! 
It's important to maintain a routine of sorts. A daily walk is such an important part of that routine! Time to reflect .. take stock .. and appreciate truly what is around us. The birds, flowers, beautiful skies and sunshine - they have always been there but now they have become more pertinent. 
So if you're sat inside wondering what to do next, or if you don't fancy cleaning the cupboards out - put your shoes on and have a gentle walk! While you are out there, be conscious of really taking note of what is around you. Breathe in the much cleaner air that we now enjoy, while traffic is so much reduced. Notice the verges and hedgerows that line the roads - how clean they are! The bright blue of the skies, so crisp and clear now there is so much less pollution to choke it. 
It's a time to shine, to appreciate, to illuminate our lives. Lets grab that opportunity, and make a real difference.

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413 

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