Thursday 15 October 2020

Nail Bites - anyone for Lilac?

 I have so many wonderful colours. Each one is chosen because I like it and I would be very happy to wear it. But there are just not enough days in the yea to wear every single colour and combination! The next best thing is to create a gorgeous manicure in these colours for my clients. 

I am always happy with the choice each client makes - there has never been a time when I have doubted a client’s choice. 

So this particular manicure, for a very special person, was an absolute pleasure to do. She initially chose a very pale lilac, which was delicate and pretty, but together we decided to go for a little more depth. And a dainty white flower decal on the ring fingers to make it even more special. 

So this lady was ready for work, play, and a well-deserved treat for herself. Sometimes you need that me-time!

Proud to be a Nail Tech


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