Friday 24 April 2020

The sadness ...

We learned today that twins Katie an Emma Davis died from COVID-19.
We watched on the news where their sister Zoe expressed her utter sadness. You just cannot comprehend how this can happen, it seems so very surreal And yet Zoe  felt able to give an interview expressing how she feels. Literally, I just want to hug her and make it better, but no amount of hugs or well wishes will make this better fo her, or the twins’ family.
This is a terrible time: so many good people dying from this terrible virus. People who should be protected against its effects, so that they can help others. People: nurses, doctors, porters, catering staff, domestic staff, supermarket staff, delivery staff ... are these people, people who are looking after the rest of us who are isolated safely at home, do they have the ‘weapons’ and defences necessary to protect them?

Friday 24th April, 2020

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