Thursday 2 April 2020

Nail bites - designs and decals

Ok so it is relatively easy to apply a decal, or sticker, to your nail and have a ready-made design. Or is it?

I have plenty of stickers and decals to choose from. They are impressive! They can also be fiddly and awkward to apply.
For a start, you have to remove the decal from the safety of its background - it’s a tiny piece of artwork embedded in a sea of stickiness - apparently all designed to keep its condition pristine.
Once removed, in the firm hold of my tweezers, it then has to be placed in exactly the right position on the nail.
To explain a bit more, the gel polish  always has an inhibition layer, the slightly sticky finish which at the end of the manicure we remove with solution to reveal a beautiful shiny surface to accentuate  your manicure.
This sticky inhibition layer works so well with any addition to the surface, including gemstones, design materials, and of course our decal - it gently holds the addition in place, ready for the final holding top coat.
But it can also work against us! As I wave the pretty little decal, firmly restrained by my trusty tweezers, can I contort myself to a favourable position to allow me to position this tiny tiny decal in just the right spot of that sticky nail?? All that without accidentally stabbing those trusted tweezers into the nail!
Well, with a lot of patience, and a steady hand, I have it. In just the right position. Yes, I like it! Gently smooth it down, and its ready for the top coat.
The result? Have a look, see what you think. There are 100s, 1000s, an infinite number of designs out there, and I have quite a collection!


Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

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