Friday 24 April 2020

Nail bites - Roses, roses, roses

It’s good to be able to take the opportunity for a daily walk in the lovely sunshine. From the crisper, chillier days, to the days with bright and warm sunshine, the skies have been mostly a pure blue. It’s been a real privilege to be able to take the time to really appreciate what is around us, and of the sights and sounds that we don’t usually notice because they are always there.
The daffodils bobbing their bright yellow trumpets in the wind, the birds trilling a chorus as we pass by, the roses revealing the beauty hidden inside tightly bound buds. 
The smells of those flowers, and of that huge pine tree that I have to duck my head to pass by.
Hopefully, when the crisis is over, these delights to our senses will not be forgotten in our rush to ‘get back to normal’. Hopefully, we will still satiate all of our senses on this feast that Nature provides. 

Proud to be a Nail tech
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