Sunday 19 April 2020

Beautiful days ...

We are very lucky to be enjoying such beautiful weather. The sun is shining up there to cheer us up while the world battles this terrible virus. It’s perfect for getting to grips with the garden, tidying up the garage, enjoying a walk. Even just looking out of the window the bright blue skies are enough to lift our spirits.

I have enjoyed a walk every day, the same general route. But each time it gives me great pleasure to spot something different, something new, something I had never before noticed. 
I have seen tight buds gradually unfurl to reveal the most utterly beautiful flowers. The most stunning colours. The most delicate petals. It really is a privilege to be able to enjoy Nature’s jewels showcased for us to appreciate. 

And all this on an hour’s walk, each day! It isn’t a particularly special route, normally I wouldn’t dream of it! Around the block, and down the main road - absolutely not! But the gifts of surprise are never ending. And they make every step, every day of lockdown, absolutely worthwhile. It’s breathtaking!

 Proud to be a Nail tech

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