Sunday 5 April 2020

Nail bites - Jewels not Tools!

Our hands are hard working and deserve and demand TLC!

It’s so easy to neglect them though.
And with a lot of us spending more time at home, unable to get to your regular nail tech for your treatment, it is very important that you continue to appreciate and nurture your hands and nails. When you are finally able to get to the salon, or the salon can visit you at home, all of that care for you nails will be apparent.

Keep your nails filed, and not too long - remember that bacteria and nasties can lurk behind the nail so don’t leave too much space for them to play!

I talk a lot about cuticle oil which is vital nourishment for your nails. Handcream is just as important though - take the time to give your hands a luxurious long massage.

Make sure you treat them well as you make your way through your day:

Always wear washing up gloves:

  • When washing up(!)
  • When cleaning and using any kind of detergent or chemical
  • When sorting your washing basket
  • When gardening
  • When washing the car .. or bicycle 

... you get what I mean!

Your nails - whether treated with pretty coloured gel or polish or kept natural - are Jewels not Tools!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

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