Saturday 18 April 2020

My manicure

It’s awkward trying to do your own nails.
Much like a hair stylist trying to cut their own hair! It doesn’t matter how good you are with a client’s nails, doing your own is not easy. My left hand is not too bad, but when it comes to my right hand ... oh my goodness!
I twist my hand, try to control my left hand so that I don’t flick gel polish all over the place. My face set in concentration, getting closer and closer to my nails. My partner asks if I want the light on ... I’m perfectly fine! I say, the closer I am the easier it seems! It actually isn’t easier, it just gives an illusion of control! Yes, if you haven’t guessed I am right-handed. The left hand is not quite as naughty now, but it does like to challenge me!
I have to choose colours and designs that my left hand will be happy to do. It’s very fussy! Which is why I prefer the ease of an inanimate nail swatch to create designs and colours. It doesn’t have a tendency to wriggle!
So for my latest manicure, I chose a pale pink, with a pretty flowery decal.

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

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