Thursday 30 April 2020

Nail bites - be bold!

 Bold colours are so much fun! Great to make a statement, or match with an outfit, or clash with an outfit! Be outrageous!
I have a fabulous red dress with white polka dots ... I am definitely going to add even more pzazzz with either a black base and red spots, incorporating a feature nail with a zip-zag stripe. Or should I have a red base with varied sizes of black spot..? So many decisions .... definitely something to try out!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Nail bites - don’t bite them!

I used to bite my nails. Badly! My Dad was always on at me, and I couldn’t understand why! He even bribed me with a beautiful manicure set with my initials on it ... I stopped for a while, it was lovely having lovely girly nails with pretty nail polish ... but I couldn’t help myself, it didn’t last ... sorry Dad!
But now, the thought of nibbling my own nails is quite disgusting! (But I have to confess to a little ‘trimming’ of excess skin!).
My nails are quite decent now. They don’t seem to have suffered too much from years of biting them down. I don’t grow them too long - that’s a recipe for breakages!
But, and I don’t know if this is because I used to bite them, I get a lot of excess hard skin growth around the finger walls of my nails.
I did myself a gel manicure last Friday - a lovely blue, with blueish glitter in a reverse French mani drawing up from the base of each nail. It was ok, there was nothing wrong with the application of the manicure. But I wasn’t happy. The reason? A couple of my nails had some hard growth up the walls of the nail. It probably wasn’t noticeable, but I wasn’t happy about it.
So I have been applying cuticle oil twice a day for the last week! I didn’t think it would make much difference.
But I can tell you - the cuticle oil worked!
My fingers look much better, the hard skin is almost all gone, and my nails look so much better for it!
So I can honesty say, ladies - cuticle oil is the way forward!

Paint the cuticle oil around the edge of each nail, and gently massage it in. At least twice a day! Treat your nail as precious jewels. We all apply decent moisturiser to our faces, so let’s treat our nails with the same respect! They will in turn reward us with beautiful nails - nail polish or not, that’s your choice!

Visit my website for spa goodies to treat yourself at home

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Nail bites - flowers

When choosing designs for nail decorations the possibilities are endless! I like to create the more abstract watercolour designs, where depth is added in layers of colours to the design - watching the artwork unfold into the finished piece is exciting!
The designs below are each made using different techniques, and each is attractive in different ways. I would have one of the designs as a feature nail, next to a set of a complimentary colour.

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Monday 27 April 2020

Lazy weekends ...

April 2020 has to be the hottest for a long time, if not forever! I remember as a child being on our annual Easter holiday in Wales where it was snowing, at leat one year! It was certainly always cold.
But this year, it is totally different. And this year, I have had time to enjoy the world around me: the sounds of birds singing their beautiful songs, the smells of fragrant flowers, the vibrant colours of new buds bursting out to meet us. And the crisp, electric blue, perfect skies.
On the canal boat, it seems there is a squatter - a beautifully groomed squatter! The colours in this duck are incredible. He was quite at home at the front of the boat, and even had a sleep while there!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Nail bites - Colour combos

I enjoy creating new designs, using different colours, finding different effects.
It’s always exciting watching how colours react against each other, the different ways of presenting them. From a clean, sharp line, to a more random marbled effect. Each is stunning, each different. But put the designs next to a colour, to pick out a particular colour in the design, and watch it transform!

 Proud to be a Nail tech

What a difference each of the combinations makes! From brighat and cheery, to bold and dramatic. 

Sunday 26 April 2020

Nail Bites - Love Your|

We are experiencing some very strange times, times that we will (hopefully) look back upon and wonder what it was all about.
Because of our current situation, many businesses have changed how they do things, many people are volunteering to help others with shopping and essentials, and many people are fighting the front line - something they didn’t ever think would happen.
In the same way, as a mobile nail technician, of course I can no longer at the moment offer my services to clients in their homes.
So I also have found a way to offer a little luxury for people to enjoy at home.
My Love Your| collection includes salon-quality treats for you to enjoy a spa-style pampering at home.
Head over to for details - its all on there with details of the goodies you can try!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Friday 24 April 2020

The sadness ...

We learned today that twins Katie an Emma Davis died from COVID-19.
We watched on the news where their sister Zoe expressed her utter sadness. You just cannot comprehend how this can happen, it seems so very surreal And yet Zoe  felt able to give an interview expressing how she feels. Literally, I just want to hug her and make it better, but no amount of hugs or well wishes will make this better fo her, or the twins’ family.
This is a terrible time: so many good people dying from this terrible virus. People who should be protected against its effects, so that they can help others. People: nurses, doctors, porters, catering staff, domestic staff, supermarket staff, delivery staff ... are these people, people who are looking after the rest of us who are isolated safely at home, do they have the ‘weapons’ and defences necessary to protect them?

Friday 24th April, 2020

Nail bites - Roses, roses, roses

It’s good to be able to take the opportunity for a daily walk in the lovely sunshine. From the crisper, chillier days, to the days with bright and warm sunshine, the skies have been mostly a pure blue. It’s been a real privilege to be able to take the time to really appreciate what is around us, and of the sights and sounds that we don’t usually notice because they are always there.
The daffodils bobbing their bright yellow trumpets in the wind, the birds trilling a chorus as we pass by, the roses revealing the beauty hidden inside tightly bound buds. 
The smells of those flowers, and of that huge pine tree that I have to duck my head to pass by.
Hopefully, when the crisis is over, these delights to our senses will not be forgotten in our rush to ‘get back to normal’. Hopefully, we will still satiate all of our senses on this feast that Nature provides. 

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Thursday 23 April 2020

Nail bites - More Tortoiseshell

I think the Tortoiseshell effect is one of my favourite designs.
It’s isn’t too structured, it is made up of several colours, it has some real depth, it is fun to create, and it will compliment many other colours. It makes quite a statement!

 Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Lockdown in the neighbourhood

It’s a difficult time for the whole world right now. We are all being held to a life or death ransom by a terrible virus. The consequences can be the worst ever, and we all feel such empathy towards those who have lost loved ones to it.

But out of such dark times, there are happy things to be found.
Every day I walk, just around the local streets. And every day I see something different, something to appreciate. 
On one street in particular the residents have created a variety of scarecrows, proudly displayed in their front gardens. Or hedges. Or even on the rooftops!
It is quite an attraction, drawing families in their cars and by foot to look at the artwork on show. A pleasant relief from the
bad news we hear every day.
Thank you to the residents of Winshill!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Nail bites - Red? Pink? Black??

Black seems like quite an austere choice.
But - It’s versatile, it can be shiny or matte, or you can add a tiny touch to it to bring out its character.
For this effect, I added a simple white rose — you could easily have any other colour, but I felt that the soft white is perfectly complimented by the shiny black.
As a feature nail in a set, I have put it next to black, but you could mix it up with a matte black, or another colour.

I am proud to say that all the designs and colours on the nail swatches you see, all the pics of real manicures, are all my own work. I do not use photos I have picked from the internet or any other source. Everything I put online, everything you see, is my work.

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Monday 20 April 2020

Nail bites - fluttery pinks

Pink is always a personal favourite, whatever the occasion and whatever the time of year. 
At this time of year, while out walking, there is plenty of inspiration from he natural world. While out, I have also seen a few bumble bees! These lumbering, fluffy insects that go about their business, finding the flowers to satisfy their search for nectar. 
When I returned home, I wanted to try my hand at creating a bee on a nail swatch. This wasn’t as easy as I thought it might be! I didn’t want to paint a cartoon version, I wanted my bee to represent a proper portly bumble. 
I placed him against a pale pink background, and painted him by hand using a watercolour effect. It was fun, and I learned a lot about how the gel colours can be manipulated for different effects. 

Have a look, what do you think?

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Sunday 19 April 2020

Beautiful days ...

We are very lucky to be enjoying such beautiful weather. The sun is shining up there to cheer us up while the world battles this terrible virus. It’s perfect for getting to grips with the garden, tidying up the garage, enjoying a walk. Even just looking out of the window the bright blue skies are enough to lift our spirits.

I have enjoyed a walk every day, the same general route. But each time it gives me great pleasure to spot something different, something new, something I had never before noticed. 
I have seen tight buds gradually unfurl to reveal the most utterly beautiful flowers. The most stunning colours. The most delicate petals. It really is a privilege to be able to enjoy Nature’s jewels showcased for us to appreciate. 

And all this on an hour’s walk, each day! It isn’t a particularly special route, normally I wouldn’t dream of it! Around the block, and down the main road - absolutely not! But the gifts of surprise are never ending. And they make every step, every day of lockdown, absolutely worthwhile. It’s breathtaking!

 Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Saturday 18 April 2020

My manicure

It’s awkward trying to do your own nails.
Much like a hair stylist trying to cut their own hair! It doesn’t matter how good you are with a client’s nails, doing your own is not easy. My left hand is not too bad, but when it comes to my right hand ... oh my goodness!
I twist my hand, try to control my left hand so that I don’t flick gel polish all over the place. My face set in concentration, getting closer and closer to my nails. My partner asks if I want the light on ... I’m perfectly fine! I say, the closer I am the easier it seems! It actually isn’t easier, it just gives an illusion of control! Yes, if you haven’t guessed I am right-handed. The left hand is not quite as naughty now, but it does like to challenge me!
I have to choose colours and designs that my left hand will be happy to do. It’s very fussy! Which is why I prefer the ease of an inanimate nail swatch to create designs and colours. It doesn’t have a tendency to wriggle!
So for my latest manicure, I chose a pale pink, with a pretty flowery decal.

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Friday 17 April 2020

Nail bites - pampering

Well we’re still in lockdown.

Our amazing key workers - from the NHS staff (nurses, doctors, healthcare workers, porters, domestics, catering staff), and student nurses and doctors who have joined the NHS family sooner than anticipated, to the patient supermarket staff, taxi drivers, bus and train operatives, and let’s not forget the volunteers helping people who are self-isolating and cannot get out for those things we have always taken for granted. The small businesses and pubs and restaurants who have diversified and created a niche for themselves delivering goodies to our doorstep.

I ,like other beauty services, cannot get out to see clients ... I have been busy creating designs and colour combinations. Stuff I wouldn’t normally get chance to do!
I’ve also started to notice my feet aren’t in great shape ... well they’ve been tucked away inside socks and boots for the winter! And now the sun is shining, I have been looking at my feet with a certain amount of shame - really, I have the knowledge and the tools to keep them in tip-top condition! I’m quite annoyed with myself!

So for the last few days, at the end of each day, I have treated my tired feet with a bit of a spa. Nice soak, foot scrub (trying to get rid of that hard skin!), foot masque, and some lush moisturiser. Beautiful! Feels great ... I’ve even filed my toenails in readiness for a pretty nail polish!
In the mornings, I have a routine - I bet you do too! Brush teeth, moisturise face, make up on, tame hair ... but like me I bet you have also neglected your feet! So now, in addition to the usual, I moisturise my feet!
You’d be surprised at the difference it makes! And you don’t need any special equipment. A regular  handcream is perfect. You’ll see the difference in a week or so. Honestly! Ok you can use specialist lotions, but seriously handcream is perfectly sufficient.

If you’d like a full pedi kit - I have some salon strength kits for you to buy and experience at home for yourself. Head over to my website to see my Love Your| selection of goodies - go on, treat yourself!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Thursday 16 April 2020

Nail bites - It all about the Pink!

Pink, and pink, and ... pink!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Nail bites - choice of partner

I talked about the tortoiseshell effect a while ago - I don’t remember when , the days are shifting into each other!
I took some photos of the tortoiseshell with different colours, to see how it they might look side-by-side.
See what you think.

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Nail bites - Lockdown bites!

 Also me with my hairdresser - oh I miss her! 

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Monday 13 April 2020

Nail bites - exciting news!

I have been working on sourcing some products that people can purchase and use at home, either for themselves or for a partner or friend or relative.
It’s important for me that whatever I offer is easy for my friends and clients to use - something to enhance their experience particularly in these strange times where many of us are in self-isolation. And something that will be of benefit!
So I have found some single-use Pedicure treatments! With 4 or 5 steps, each box contains single packets for each step.
All you have to do, is provide a bowl, towels, water, and maybe a willing partner - the willing partner isn’t essential, although will enhance your experience! You could buy two treatments and reciprocate for your partner .. what better way to spend an afternoon, and treat your hard-working feet too - get them ready for summer sandals and floaty dresses!

Have a look at my website for more details!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Saturday 11 April 2020

Nail bites - Springtime tortoiseshell, update

The tortoiseshell next to bright yellow ... very effective

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Friday 10 April 2020

Nail bites - Mint to Be

More of my experiments! This time working with two colours and how they can blend and contrast each other.
Who would have thought that The Manicure Company’s Mint to Be cool green colour could be so exciting?
Add a tortoiseshell mix of subtly sparkling black and yellow and you have an unusual fusion perfect for Spring and Summer.
Imagine this as an accent nail, perfect next to black with Mint to Be spots.

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Thursday 9 April 2020

Nail bites - Footworks!

It is important to look after our hands, and nails. But equally we need to look after our feet and toes!
Well, when this isolation is all over, and the virus is a bad memory, we will be enjoying and appreciating our holidays.
Whether we are at home, at a British seaside, or further afield on an exotic beach ... or even just going to work in a pair of pretty sandals.
Wherever we go, our toes and feet will be on show. And come on girls, we want them to steal the show!
To do this: we need to work at pampering our feet, after all they walk many miles mostly wrapped up in boots or shoes. Now is the perfect time to get our feet summer ready! We need foot spas, pedicures, foot massages, plenty of moisturiser .....

Small steps(!) - moisturise your feet every day before putting socks or tights on - I can guarantee a great result, after a week or so you will realise how dry our feet actually get!
Make sure you file those toenails, straight across the nail. Don’t allow the nails to grow too long, that is a sure fire way to encourage an ingrown toenail!
Take the time to soak your feet ...

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Nail bites - oh! The drama

Red and black, well its always a sophisticated drama waiting to entice and charm.
Red is a very classic colour for the nails, always on trend. Add black - who knows what could happen?!
It was very exciting watching these colour combos and designs emerge - I hope you like them!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Nail Bites - It’s all about the pinks!

I like pink. In fact I love pink! 
So I had some great fun creating some designs in my favourite colour!
I even managed to incorporate one of our friendly bumble bees - I created this one freehand by copying a picture of a lovely plump bumble. 
I’m quite proud of my bee! And I thought I’d place him unexpectedly on a pale pink background. I think the background here softens the effect - of course you could make our bumble stand out more by placing him on a black or yellow background, making him more fierce!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Monday 6 April 2020

Nail Bites - Tortoiseshell isn’t just for cats!

I have had plenty of time to explore new designs.
Not only to explore, but also to have the confidence to try them out. It is quite daunting when a client asks for some nail art that they might have seen somewhere - the nail tech has to work out how best to translate it to the client’s own nail.
This takes time, patience, and artistry. It helps if a client can mention their desire for a piece of nail art when booking their appointment - creating something bespoke can add ten minutes or more to the nail - imagine a set of ten nails, and creating a piece of artwork for each nail!
Inspired by the markings of a beautiful, haughty cat I had seen when out walking, I decided to try a tortoiseshell design, carefully applying the markings, then helping them to ‘blur’ into each other. I excitedly added the top coat, which revealed a gorgeous deeply marbled design! Wow! To prove this wasn’t a one-off, I repeated the design. The very nature of the design means that each one is unique, and so my second one was slightly different, although it would still sit nicely next to my original design.
Imagine this as a feature nail, sitting regally next to maybe a Mocha coloured set ... or a Cinnamon coloured set...?
Inspired? I am!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Nail bites - Springtime tortoiseshell

I really enjoyed creating the pretty tortoiseshell, in marbled browns over a black background.

At the end of a design session I had a spare nail swatch with The Manicure Company’s Mint to Be ... wondering what to do with it. Looking at the colours I had out: yellow, black, purple ...
I thought I’d try another tortoiseshell but this time using different colours; unexpected colours. I thrive on the unexpected!
My design took shape gradually, I was creating it as I went along!

But the result? Well, I am very excited about this one! I have put it next to black, but it will be an excellent feature nail alongside the base colour - Mint to Be - or why not shake it up a bit and place it next to a bright sunshine yellow?

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Sunday 5 April 2020

Nail bites - Jewels not Tools!

Our hands are hard working and deserve and demand TLC!

It’s so easy to neglect them though.
And with a lot of us spending more time at home, unable to get to your regular nail tech for your treatment, it is very important that you continue to appreciate and nurture your hands and nails. When you are finally able to get to the salon, or the salon can visit you at home, all of that care for you nails will be apparent.

Keep your nails filed, and not too long - remember that bacteria and nasties can lurk behind the nail so don’t leave too much space for them to play!

I talk a lot about cuticle oil which is vital nourishment for your nails. Handcream is just as important though - take the time to give your hands a luxurious long massage.

Make sure you treat them well as you make your way through your day:

Always wear washing up gloves:

  • When washing up(!)
  • When cleaning and using any kind of detergent or chemical
  • When sorting your washing basket
  • When gardening
  • When washing the car .. or bicycle 

... you get what I mean!

Your nails - whether treated with pretty coloured gel or polish or kept natural - are Jewels not Tools!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Saturday 4 April 2020

Nail bites - spots spots and more spots!

Finding some time to experiment, I have been playing with colours, designs, and effects.
It’s Spring, so bright colours are the special order of the day!

Black of course contrasts with any colour, with yellow it is adds such a potent vibrancy I can feel my feet itching to dance in the sunshine! I have positioned  it next to some carefully placed stripes add a more serious feel to it ... but either design could hold its head up high on its own, or as a feature nail!
Red with black polka dots is an absolute classic, adding a sophisticated sense of fun and daring to your every day.
Let’s try The Manicure Company’s Mint to Be against a start black background ... and we have an elegant, refined design that can hold its head up high accompanying you to any garden party!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Friday 3 April 2020

Nail bites - snake bites!

Inspired by watching Steve Backshall in his quest for the 60 most deadly creatures on our planet, I recreated one of those creatures in nail art.
I am fascinated with the skin of reptiles and snakes. First look and it isn’t anything special. But look closer ... to reveal the dry scales ... and look even closer for the beautiful and individual patterns and colours. Some are more intricate than others, but each is magnificent!
I have used iridescent greens on a black background here. Watch for the subtle sparkle, almost a glow. One has a matte finish - which still displays that sparkle - and the other I finished with a shiny top coat.
Perhaps not for every nail, but This will be quite a show stopper of an accent nail! Maybe I will try some different colours .... 


Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Thursday 2 April 2020

Nail bites - designs and decals

Ok so it is relatively easy to apply a decal, or sticker, to your nail and have a ready-made design. Or is it?

I have plenty of stickers and decals to choose from. They are impressive! They can also be fiddly and awkward to apply.
For a start, you have to remove the decal from the safety of its background - it’s a tiny piece of artwork embedded in a sea of stickiness - apparently all designed to keep its condition pristine.
Once removed, in the firm hold of my tweezers, it then has to be placed in exactly the right position on the nail.
To explain a bit more, the gel polish  always has an inhibition layer, the slightly sticky finish which at the end of the manicure we remove with solution to reveal a beautiful shiny surface to accentuate  your manicure.
This sticky inhibition layer works so well with any addition to the surface, including gemstones, design materials, and of course our decal - it gently holds the addition in place, ready for the final holding top coat.
But it can also work against us! As I wave the pretty little decal, firmly restrained by my trusty tweezers, can I contort myself to a favourable position to allow me to position this tiny tiny decal in just the right spot of that sticky nail?? All that without accidentally stabbing those trusted tweezers into the nail!
Well, with a lot of patience, and a steady hand, I have it. In just the right position. Yes, I like it! Gently smooth it down, and its ready for the top coat.
The result? Have a look, see what you think. There are 100s, 1000s, an infinite number of designs out there, and I have quite a collection!


Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Wednesday 1 April 2020


After being in isolation for so long I almost pulled the postman’s hand through my letterbox as I spotted my favourite monthly mag casually slide into my home! 
I have been very restrained and pulled myself back from instantly reading it from cover to cover. 
I have cleaned my windows, dusted my nick nacks, done my ironing ... staving off the temptation to read every single page of that glossy treasure and instantly regretting not saving it! 
Now, glass of well-deserved wine in hand, The Chase on TV ... now I shall peel back the cover and delicately and tenderly start to read my mag. Not too much though, I need to save some for tomorrow. 
Sshhh .... enjoy your evening, stay safe and healthy. 

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413