Tuesday 31 March 2020

Lovely walks

I find myself in the fortunate position of having time at home.

A daily walk, just around the block, takes about an hour with enough activity to gently challenge the body. I appreciate this walk, not having a particular purpose means I can take my time and really see what is around me.
On one of those gloriously sunny days, I wondered around St Mark’s churchyard, which is beautifully well kept. It’s much bigger than it looks from the road.  There are plenty of flowers growing through the trimmed grassy areas: primroses, daisies, daffodils ... 
The many gravestones note details about the occupants; they are each decipherable and interesting to read. 
There are some war graves; one of a young lady named Ivy Litchfield who was a 21 year old Lead Aircraftwoman on the aircraft Albermarle which crashed in 1944; a quick internet search when I returned home added some detail to the words on the headstone of this local heroine. Just imagine the  short life of this very young girl: her ambition, her boldness, her bravery in this traditionally male-led word. But death does not discriminate, and this girl’s life was lost alongside the crew of this craft as it undershot the Ashbourne runway sending it crashing into nearby buildings and finally catching fire. 

All we need to do is stop at home and wait for the virus to pass. Let’s do it, this is relatively simple. We are lucky enough to be able to take advantage of this time, so let's do it. 
Let’s beat this terrible disease!

Stay safe, stay healthy

Proud to be a Nail tech

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