Saturday 14 March 2020

The crazy world!

Well the plan was a lovely Mediterranean cruise from Barcelona, but this was quickly quashed when the Spanish authorities closed their ports.
A hastily booked return flight to the UK, and here I am again! I’ve been reading stories about the numbers of people infected with the virus increasing. Gradually, the world is shutting down. Shops are running out of toilet rolls, bread, tins of all types of food, breakfast cereals, soaps of all types. My daughter has been unable to get more than a few days supply of the medicated baby milk for her baby. I’m hoping that between us we can source some more in the next few days.
It is very easy to become consumed by all of this - after all, it is having a devastating effect on so many people, whether by contracting this virus, or worrying about our food cupboards, or by ‘self isolation’.
Amidst all of this, much of our daily life is continuing, thank goodness. I am still taking bookings, and in fact have booked in three new clients following my unexpectedly being at home now!
We still need to look after ourselves! In fact, I am about to treat my cuticles while I enjoy a delicious cup of tea. Cuticle oil rubbed in around the nail has excellent benefits to the nail, and also promotes good nail growth. And a cup of tea has excellent benefits too, especially when enjoyed in company of family and friends!
Stay healthy!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

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