Monday 9 March 2020

Another virus, another day

The world is going crazy with tales of pandemic, epidemic, stockpiling, city lockdowns. All because of a(nother) virus. Emanating from China, it has swept the world causing global distress ... in the same way as the flu virus, or malaria ....
In the midst of all this though we have to remember that life goes on, we cannot react to such scaremongering: where will it end if we do?
So, I am on my way to Barcelona! A stopover at Luton before catching an early morning plane.
I have decided to paint my nails in my favourite colours: pale pink with a sprinkle of silver glitter to sparkle in the light. Thank you Halo for that most delicate of pinks, True Love - very aptly named as it captures the nature of the colour perfectly.

Proud to be a Nail Tech

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