Thursday 19 March 2020

Things are getting intense ...

So it’s Thursday 19th March 2020.

I wake up and the virus is still here ... it wasn’t a bad dream, or a film, or a novel.

As a blossoming mobile nail tech I offer quite a personal service. But clients are cancelling appointments. To be fair, I have messaged each client ahead of their appointment, as usual, but in addition to confirming the appointment I have offered cancellation in light of the rapidly evolving and changing situation that we are all faced with.
I am not surprised that most have cancelled. And I don’t feel able to offer a service to new clients.

This is a very alien situation, something none of us could ever have predicted. 

But, we as individuals and as a member of a community have an absolute duty to remain positive! We are British! This is what we do best!


What have I done today?
I have been shopping. Not just for myself, but for my daughter, son in law and their very young family.
I have prepared myself: physically and mentally. Yes the bread, pasta and loo rolls are important! But so is knowing what I expect of myself each day.
I aim to learn something new each day (no matter how small the fact).
I aim to chat meaningfully to at least one person each day.
I expect to achieve at least one task: be it completing my ironing, putting up those pictures, clearing my cupboards .. I have to say my cooker hob is unusually squeaky clean already after just a week at home!!!
And I am of course also looking at improving my performance in my chosen profession: I’m taking the time to watch some of the many nail art tutorials, and putting into practice what I see. I am trying out new designs; my partner had better watch out! And listening to what clients want in their manicure right now.

I’ll be adding tips and tricks to my blog, along with telling you what I’m up to (with photos, maybe even with photos of what my partner is having to endure!).

So may I invite you to: watch this space! Comments and suggestions appreciated.

Stay safe


Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

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