Saturday 21 March 2020

Nail bites - Cuticle Oil

If you can’t get out for your regular manicure, or are uncomfortable about a mobile technician visiting you, there are still things you can do yourself for your own nails.

It’s important to keep your nails hydrated. Cuticle oil is a must - a good alternative if you don’t yet have this is olive oil.
A drop at the base of each nail is plenty. Then gently massage it around the edge and base of each nail. Don’t rush this; give your nails a real treat, they deserve it! And you will reap the rewards with strong, well-maintained nails.
You can easily buy cuticle oil online - I can offer advice if you want it.

I might not be offering a full mobile service, but I am still able to offer advice: by phone/text/WhatsApp. 

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

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