Tuesday 31 March 2020

Lovely walks

I find myself in the fortunate position of having time at home.

A daily walk, just around the block, takes about an hour with enough activity to gently challenge the body. I appreciate this walk, not having a particular purpose means I can take my time and really see what is around me.
On one of those gloriously sunny days, I wondered around St Mark’s churchyard, which is beautifully well kept. It’s much bigger than it looks from the road.  There are plenty of flowers growing through the trimmed grassy areas: primroses, daisies, daffodils ... 
The many gravestones note details about the occupants; they are each decipherable and interesting to read. 
There are some war graves; one of a young lady named Ivy Litchfield who was a 21 year old Lead Aircraftwoman on the aircraft Albermarle which crashed in 1944; a quick internet search when I returned home added some detail to the words on the headstone of this local heroine. Just imagine the  short life of this very young girl: her ambition, her boldness, her bravery in this traditionally male-led word. But death does not discriminate, and this girl’s life was lost alongside the crew of this craft as it undershot the Ashbourne runway sending it crashing into nearby buildings and finally catching fire. 

All we need to do is stop at home and wait for the virus to pass. Let’s do it, this is relatively simple. We are lucky enough to be able to take advantage of this time, so let's do it. 
Let’s beat this terrible disease!

Stay safe, stay healthy

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Monday 30 March 2020

My own manicure

I wanted a gentle, subtle colour for my own nails.
To compliment the pastels of Spring as the colours of the earth gradually warm up before the riot of Summer flowers fill our senses with colour and gorgeous smells.
So, for several days I enjoyed the luxury of time given to me. I treated my nails to plenty of Cuticle Oil and long massages, and filed the free edge of each nail to a uniform length that I feel comfortable with: I don’t like them too long, they grow so quickly so within a week I feel that they are almost unmanageable. Equally, I don’t like them too short, but sometimes this is unavoidable especially when you have a split nail as I have!
I chose a very nude pink, barely discernible from my own natural nails. It is almost like a wash over the nail; you can see the white of each nail through the gel.
To add some interest, I chose to apply a flower from my nail stamping kit: this works in the same way as any stamping kit. You fill the chosen design on the plate with your colour, ‘pick up’ the design with your ‘stamper’, and place it on the nail. Now this sounds extremely simple, but in all honesty it took a while to find the correct technique! It was very frustrating and I almost gave up. But thankfully, I persevered and managed to get it right. I am glad that I did, because it is a great way to personalise your manicure, and looks very effective!
After applying a top coat, my manicure is complete - pic below. I have to say that I am rather pleased with the result 😁.
Let me know what you think!

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Sunday 29 March 2020

Playing with designs

Finding myself with the luxury of extra time means that I have been able to think more about different designs and colour ways. Pink, gold, silver, and anything sparkly remain firm favourites of mine. I also like green with pink - not an immediately obvious partnership but one I think works incredibly well!
Have a look, see what you think. If you have any ideas you think I could try let me hear them!

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Saturday 28 March 2020

Nail bites - Trick to disguise an outgrown manicure

If you aren’t too confident about removing your own gel polish, this may be for you.

You might have a week or so’s nail growth but the gel polish itself still looks good.
Try applying a coat of glitter polish to the base of your nails - you will have a gorgeous sparkly reverse glitter ombre!
So you can still look beautiful, as well as being bang on trend, until you can see your Nail Tech.

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Friday 27 March 2020

Nail Bites - how should I file my nails?

I, like many of you, am trying to keep busy, trying to keep some sort of routine. Some work in the morning, a walk after lunch, and return to work. It is important to achieve something each day! 

It is equally important to look after ourselves too, and this includes your hands and nails. Your nails are Jewels not Tools!

Keeping your nails filed to a smooth shape is important. 

When filing your nail do not saw back and forth! However tempting this may be for a quick result.

Start from the side of the nail and file towards the centre, gently lifting the nail. Repeat for the other side of your nail. You will then be able to shape your nail. 
Using this technique is far less traumatic to the nail and will help to preserve its strength. You may find that this leaves ‘feathers’ - tuck the tip of your file under the nail and flick these bits aside.

If your nails are very short, it is still vital to look after them to nurse them back into shape. A gentle file and some TLC will encourage them to grow.
And of course, after filing your nails treat them with cuticle oil and handcream. Take this time to really indulge your nails and hands - they deserve it! 

Stay safe & healthy.

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Thursday 26 March 2020

Nail Bites - Can I remove Gel Polish at Home?

Key workers, home workers, people in self-isolation - none of us can get out to a beauty salon, and beauticians cannot get to you for your regular manicure appointment. 
But you have a gel manicure which looked fantastic when you had it done, and still looked great 10 to 14 days later. But after that? You might have some chips at the ends of the hardest working fingertips, or some growth at the base of your nails. My nails grow very quickly so any re-growth becomes apparent pretty quickly! 
So can you remove the gel at home? The good news is: yes you can! You will just need a little patience.

For each nail:

  1. Using a coarse nail file, gently buff the gel surface - you just need to remove the shine and break the surface down, don’t file to the nail itself.
  2. Soak a cotton ball or lint-free wipe in acetone. This isn’t regular nail polish remover, it needs to be pure acetone. (Nail polish remover contains acetone, but it is very diluted.)
  3. Place the soaked cotton wool firmly on your nail and secure with a square of kitchen foil. This might take some practice to get it right - fold the foil over the nail, and wrap the ends around the nail, ensuring the cotton wool is secured against the nail.
  4. Some people say that you can soak the whole finger tip in an acetone bath, which is fine, but remember that acetone is extremely drying so you will need to  treat your fingers to replace that lost moisture.
  5. You will need to leave the nail in acetone for around 15 minutes, so take some time to read, or watch something on TV, with a cuppa ... 
  6. When you remove the foil and cotton wool, the gel should slip off. If it is stubbornly sticking to your nail, push off as much as you can (without scraping the nail itself) with an orange stick, and reapply the acetone soaked cotton wool and foil - leave for a further five minutes. 
  7. Once the process is complete, all the gel will be removed. It is worth noting that this process can take longer if the gel has been on for more than two weeks. 
  8. Now you will need to give your nails some TLC! Apply cuticle oil, massage it all around each nail. Apply hand cream. You should apply cuticle oil at least twice a day, whether you have gel polish on or your nails are natural. You can apply your own polish immediately, but your nails will benefit from a day or two’s rest and plenty of luxurious TLC.

Amazon, eBay, and other online stores are invaluable right now, and they are the perfect places to find the essentials you need for you home manicure. There are plenty of products out there - but read the reviews before making your choice! If you can’t make up your mind which to go for, please contact me and I will be able to advise you.

I hope this has been helpful ... 

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Nail Bites - Black Beauty

I was looking for some drama in my designs. Black isn’t something that I would normally wear, but coupled with some interesting designs it is stunning! 

I tried these two to start: 

  • An abstract feather in red and white, pulled in an arc across the nail, adds a strong, unusual accent to the nail. This could be repeated on a full set, or used as an accent. Being abstract, the design would be slightly different on each nail - adding to the drama and intrigue!
  • A simple shiny black gel, with gold foil in a zigzag design. I like it placed towards the free edge of the nail, but it could just as easily be placed elsewhere. Again, this could be the accent nail, or one of a full set - the placement could vary for different nails, or be very uniform - oh the drama! 

I could also add some of my favourite pink ... which would also look stunning against the black!

What do you think about these designs?

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Nail bites - Baby Boom

What a beautiful morning! And so many of us will have time to enjoy the sunshine in the garden.

I have been busy experimenting with colours and techniques - its great to have the luxury of time to be able to do this. So I have dug into my stocks and found some great ideas!

Pink is one of my favourite colours, as you know! And I adore The Manicure Company’s Baby Boom. And I enjoy adding decorative touches, so I thought I’d try something a little different.
So I created a variation on the classic French Manicure using a gold tip, which is a very wearable twist on the classic.
On the other swatch, I used a decal - pretty white flowers with some tiny sparkly stones - perfect as an everyday design, just like wearing jewellery everyday!
Either of these designs could be worn by a bride on her wedding day.

Stay safe everyone. And big thanks to all those people fighting the virus and looking after us.

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Monday 23 March 2020

Nail bites - Broken Nail

It’s been a lovely sunny weekend!

I went to Aldi (other supermarkets are available) for a few things. I wanted a box of wine - its great value and a decent wine too. The shelves were sparse but not empty ... there was just one box of my wine, right at the back of the bottom shelf. I knelt dawn and reached under, grabbed the box with my little hand and started to pull it towards me. It was going well, but then oh horror the box slipped .. I managed to keep a hold and brought it out. 
Got all my shopping loaded and paid for, got home and noticed I had broken my thumb nail in the incident. Not just a little tear - it was a split right in the middle of the nail! Oh no! All the way down to the thumb itself! 
I’ve had to file the nail right down - there’s no point in trying to keep the length, it could easily get caught and break even further.
So my lovely long and strong nail is now a very short and stubby nibble of its former self. 
I’ve treated it with cuticle oil, and moisturiser, and my CND Rescue treatment with Keratin. All in the hope of helping it to grow as quickly as possible!

Have a great day all, and stay safe!

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Saturday 21 March 2020

Nail bites - Cuticle Oil

If you can’t get out for your regular manicure, or are uncomfortable about a mobile technician visiting you, there are still things you can do yourself for your own nails.

It’s important to keep your nails hydrated. Cuticle oil is a must - a good alternative if you don’t yet have this is olive oil.
A drop at the base of each nail is plenty. Then gently massage it around the edge and base of each nail. Don’t rush this; give your nails a real treat, they deserve it! And you will reap the rewards with strong, well-maintained nails.
You can easily buy cuticle oil online - I can offer advice if you want it.

I might not be offering a full mobile service, but I am still able to offer advice: by phone/text/WhatsApp. 

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413


The kitchen cupboards are groaning, the fridge is full, and the freezer is certainly working hard!

Yesterday’s news was, amongst certain other businesses, pubs were to shut their doors to customers popping in to enjoy a drink with friends. So my shelves are also stocked with wine, beer, cider ... but a quick visit to Aldi today proved that stock of most items is almost normal now. Well, no one needs to buy anything else as they’ve already cleared the shelves to fill their own cupboards with food!

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Thursday 19 March 2020

Things are getting intense ...

So it’s Thursday 19th March 2020.

I wake up and the virus is still here ... it wasn’t a bad dream, or a film, or a novel.

As a blossoming mobile nail tech I offer quite a personal service. But clients are cancelling appointments. To be fair, I have messaged each client ahead of their appointment, as usual, but in addition to confirming the appointment I have offered cancellation in light of the rapidly evolving and changing situation that we are all faced with.
I am not surprised that most have cancelled. And I don’t feel able to offer a service to new clients.

This is a very alien situation, something none of us could ever have predicted. 

But, we as individuals and as a member of a community have an absolute duty to remain positive! We are British! This is what we do best!


What have I done today?
I have been shopping. Not just for myself, but for my daughter, son in law and their very young family.
I have prepared myself: physically and mentally. Yes the bread, pasta and loo rolls are important! But so is knowing what I expect of myself each day.
I aim to learn something new each day (no matter how small the fact).
I aim to chat meaningfully to at least one person each day.
I expect to achieve at least one task: be it completing my ironing, putting up those pictures, clearing my cupboards .. I have to say my cooker hob is unusually squeaky clean already after just a week at home!!!
And I am of course also looking at improving my performance in my chosen profession: I’m taking the time to watch some of the many nail art tutorials, and putting into practice what I see. I am trying out new designs; my partner had better watch out! And listening to what clients want in their manicure right now.

I’ll be adding tips and tricks to my blog, along with telling you what I’m up to (with photos, maybe even with photos of what my partner is having to endure!).

So may I invite you to: watch this space! Comments and suggestions appreciated.

Stay safe


Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Tuesday 17 March 2020

The World is quiet ...

The virus has silenced the world, people are staying home, working from home. The roads are quiet, the shops empty. Pubs, restaurants, cinemas, clubs, sport facilities- all quiet too. Efforts are intensifying gradually as the situation evolves, in a bid to minimise the effects of the virus that is literally sweeping the world, whatever individual climates and conditions it envelops.
So what do we do? The British way is to keep calm and carry on! Find something else to do! Help those less able to help themselves!
I have been looking at my gel polish colours. Imagining new designs. Still excited for Spring, and the beautiful delicate hues that caress the senses.
I adore these colours ...

Stay safe!

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Saturday 14 March 2020

The crazy world!

Well the plan was a lovely Mediterranean cruise from Barcelona, but this was quickly quashed when the Spanish authorities closed their ports.
A hastily booked return flight to the UK, and here I am again! I’ve been reading stories about the numbers of people infected with the virus increasing. Gradually, the world is shutting down. Shops are running out of toilet rolls, bread, tins of all types of food, breakfast cereals, soaps of all types. My daughter has been unable to get more than a few days supply of the medicated baby milk for her baby. I’m hoping that between us we can source some more in the next few days.
It is very easy to become consumed by all of this - after all, it is having a devastating effect on so many people, whether by contracting this virus, or worrying about our food cupboards, or by ‘self isolation’.
Amidst all of this, much of our daily life is continuing, thank goodness. I am still taking bookings, and in fact have booked in three new clients following my unexpectedly being at home now!
We still need to look after ourselves! In fact, I am about to treat my cuticles while I enjoy a delicious cup of tea. Cuticle oil rubbed in around the nail has excellent benefits to the nail, and also promotes good nail growth. And a cup of tea has excellent benefits too, especially when enjoyed in company of family and friends!
Stay healthy!

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413

Monday 9 March 2020

Another virus, another day

The world is going crazy with tales of pandemic, epidemic, stockpiling, city lockdowns. All because of a(nother) virus. Emanating from China, it has swept the world causing global distress ... in the same way as the flu virus, or malaria ....
In the midst of all this though we have to remember that life goes on, we cannot react to such scaremongering: where will it end if we do?
So, I am on my way to Barcelona! A stopover at Luton before catching an early morning plane.
I have decided to paint my nails in my favourite colours: pale pink with a sprinkle of silver glitter to sparkle in the light. Thank you Halo for that most delicate of pinks, True Love - very aptly named as it captures the nature of the colour perfectly.

Proud to be a Nail Tech

Sunday 1 March 2020

Spring is here!

I have seen the first Snowdrops peeping out defiantly daring any more frost to spoil their party!
My Daffodils are starting gradually and tentatively to grow, their buds tightly shut for now, just waiting for that perfect moment.
With the nights waiting a little longer before drawing their velvet blanket across the skies, and then allowing the sunrise to wake us up a little earlier, my thoughts turn to pastel colours, muted colours: pretty colours to compliment rather than to shout out.
Of course I still desire the richness of my reds, dark blues, and dark greens, but springtime for me demands those pretty and frivolous colours of love and vitality, of rebirth and rejuvenation. Dresses with pretty patterns burst out of my wardrobe; its time to kick off those winter boots and reacquaint myself with my pretty shoes and hopefully sandals!
Pink is my ultimate favourite colour, and a bit of sparkle makes it just perfect! So my inverted french manicure with gel sparkles is my absolute favourite. I was very excited to be able to create this! Not for a particular occasion, but just because I like it, and the sparkles add an extra dimension - it’s like wearing precious jewels everyday.

Springtime with Nails To You

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413