Saturday 20 June 2020

Summer Solstice 2020

20th June 2020, at 21:43

The Summer Solstice - Longest Day

From the Latin sol meaning Sun, and sistere meaning to come to a stop or stand still
The Sun will reach its northernmost position as seen from our Earth. The Sun’s zenith will stand still at the Tropic of Cancer, and then reverse its direction and start moving south again.
Astronomers and scientists take this date to be the first day of Summer, although meteorologists use the 1st June as the first day of Summer. 
The Arctic Circle will have 24 hours of continuous daylight. 

So today I thought I would take the opportunity to paint my nails s wonderful bright summery colour! I chose Sweet Treat by Cuccio, with a dash of Meet me in Helsinki, also byCuccio.
Today has been a wonderfully sunny day with just a sprinkle of rain earlier. Cheers to Summer!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Monday 15 June 2020

Nail bites - Dry nails?

No one has perfect nails; they are all unique and individual, in the same way that we have different skin needs. And nails age as our skin ages. The nails can become brittle, or split and flake easily, and pick up lumps and bumps long the way. 
I have noticed that my nails have ridges and various imperfections. When I have been to a beauty salon for a manicure, the technician has always buffed the nail plate until it was perfectly smooth, in spite of me asking them not to! This is fine up to a point - a gel manicure will not ‘stick’ to an oily nail. But I have found that there are other ways which are kinder to the nail.
I never buff the nail plate. The products I use are self-levelling and any bumps or ridges are usually ‘lost’ with application of the product. But for a deeply ridged nail - I would still advise against buffing the nail plate, embrace the different texture!Maybe even incorporate it into a design.
But in the meantime, as we wait for the lockdown to allow us to work on beautifying your nails once more, please please keep using that cuticle oil and look after those nails as best as you can! 

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Nail bites - Dreamy Manicure Part 2

I have talked about the magic bottle that allows me to simply peel off the gel polish.

I tested it out on my own nails, applying the liquid as per the instructions.
My gel manicure lasted as usual; it is an exceptional brand which I like to use, although it can be tricky to apply because it has a tendency to flood the cuticles. Especially when applying it to my own nails, that is always challenging! 
So I had no chips, no peeling at the edges, no discolouration. I was very happy with it! 

I decided to try to peel the gels off, as per the instructions.
Gently lifting a small corner of the first nail with an orange stick, I slowly managed to peel it off. It went remarkably well! Encouraged by this initial success I went for the next ... and continued. It was so easy, some came off in more than one piece but even then it was easy to peel the gel from the nail.
And the condition of the nails? As we all know, a gel manicure should not be picked at or peeled off because it damages the nail and also takes with it a tiny layer of the nail. And using acetone to remove gel polish is very drying to the nails; if you soak the whole fingertip in acetone it dries the skin out as well. But in this case, I was able to peel the gel off, revealing nails that are in the same good condition as when I did the manicure! I treated them to more cuticle oil massaging it in to the nails themselves as well. And a bit of handcream to complete the treatment.

I am very happy with the results of my test! I will definitely be offering this as a treatment! Thank you Cuccio for this innovation in nail care.

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413 

Sunday 7 June 2020

Nail bites - Dreamy Manicure Part 1

My hands are certainly much drier and in need of hydration with all the hand sanitiser that I am using. 
I have given them a deeply nourishing hand treatment twice a week to help them out, and the Collagen gloves  - available from my online shop at Love Your| - so easy to use and yet offer so much luxury to my poor hands!

I have also invested in a revolutionary treatment which you apply to the nail before the base coat and colour etc. I am very excited about it and if it works it will certainly add to the gel manicure experience. 

Oh sorry I haven’t said what it is yet have I?
Well, normally your gel polish needs to be removed professionally after two - three weeks maximum of wear, using acetone and taking around 15 - 25 minutes. Longer if you are someone who leaves your gel on for several weeks! 
With this nifty addition to my box of tricks, I can simply peel the polish off from each nail! This eliminates the need for soaking each nail in acetone - and the long wait for the acetone to do its magic! And it is better for the health of the nail. 
So this little bottle of wonder arrived last week, and I have started to test it out. I am excited to see if the claims live up to the actual experience. 
For my gel polish, I have used a very sheer pink with some very subtle specks and sparkles over the top, all using the same system as my magic bottle.
I will of course let you know if it works when I come to remove the polish!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Thursday 4 June 2020

Nail bites - poor poor hands!

My hands are taking some punishment with all the hand washing and hand sanitiser. I use handcream, cuticle oil, and gloves when doing housework. 

But still they feel neglected! 

So yesterday I gave them a treat: 
A hand scrub, followed by a luxurious masque wrapping my hands in a velvety lotion. After a rinse of and some luscious handcream ... my hands appreciated it, looking and feeling silky smooth and hydrated. 

If you haven’t already looked, please visit my website where you will find some luxury spa goodies available for you to buy. Love Your| offers affordable spa quality luxury treatments for hands and feet - perfect as a pick-me-up for yourself or a gift for someone special. 

Go on, you deserve it!

 Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Nail bites - Breathable pedicure

I thought I would share what my toenails are wearing!
The weather has been glorious so sandals have been the order of the day, and that means toenails need to be dressed and feet ready for close up!
I have been treating my feet to a twice weekly pedicure, while using either foot lotion or handcream on my feet during the day, under socks to give an intensive treatment.
So for my toenails, well I shaped them and decided to apply Orly Breathable polish in Stronger than Ever, with details in Moonchild. This polish is an all-in-one base, colour, and top coat which is very durable yet easy to remove. It also has nourishing properties to treat the nail with no effort from me - perfect! 

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Lockdown manicure anyone?

Over the course of the lockdown we have all been deprived of different parts of our lives that we have always taken for granted. 
We haven’t seen our family, friends. Shopping is not the experience it was. No pubs, cafes, restaurants are open. We have to observe social distancing - two metres away  from each other. But still people are dying of this terrible virus.

And yet, I am absolutely flabbergasted that I am taking calls from ladies who think that I am able to go to their homes and give them a gel manicure! I am absolutely staggered that they are surprised when I say that because of lockdown rules it is actually illegal for hairdressers, beauty salons, and of course mobile manicurists to work!!!
I am fully qualified in what I do, and I am also fully insured. If anything went wrong - and it could do for any one of us - insurance will not cover me. 
And yet I know that some mobile techs are still working. They aren’t insured. I doubt whether they are actually qualified. 
Ladies who are using these services are risking their health. The lockdown is here for a reason. When we able to finally work there will be a lot of rules - around PPE, protocol, and procedures. 
I will not be working until I am absolutely certain that it is legal, and I can work safely - I value my safety, and the safety of my clients.

Proud to be a Nail tech - Qualified & Insured!
07727 110413

Monday 1 June 2020

Shopping Lockdown style!

It's been 'A Long Time' since lockdown began. 
I don't know if I will ever get used to it, I mostly have to accept it and 'KBO'!
I popped into the shop, a very short walk from me, to pick up a couple of things. Oh dear, how did I forget that I can't just 'pop in' to a shop any more, it is a major commitment! 
I was looking at the fruit and veg wondering what to get .. then started to feel pressured by the 'queue' of several people two metres behind me waiting for me to pick what I wanted and move on! I felt myself getting hot, my palms sweaty against the hard handle of the shopping basket .. what do I want, what do I need, why didn't I write myself a shopping list was all I could think. I was desperately trying to visualise the cupboards at home, try to think what I might have run out of. Grab something .. anything that looks like I might need it .. I went for a grab of bananas. I'm sure I need these, I usually buy them and I know I will eat them any way, and I can always use one for my hand treatment ... and I shuffled further into the shop. Reaching the end of the aisle, I had to check as thoroughly as I could that I didn't need anything from the next aisle .. once I've gone past I won't be able to go back, it's a one-way system in a tiny shop ffs! I stood and peered to the end of the aisle: don't need washing stuff, nor tins of baby food, do I risk wondering down there just in case? No, I don't want to lose my place in the line, there's so much pressure, what if I can't get back into the line of shoppers?! So I don't think I needed anything from there, too late if I did! 
So I went for the final aisle .. pick up some wine ... and wait to pay. Finally get to the cashier, at a respectful two metre distance, and point my phone at the payment thingy.
Phew, and I'm out! Into the fresh air. And oh my goodness, there was a queue with about eight anxious people waiting to go into the shop. Luckily I arrived at the right time and now have everything I need, I thought to myself (a little smugly maybe).
So a nice walk home and put this shopping away. Time for a nice cup of .. 
oh no! I needed coffee!! It was in the aisle that I had spent precious seconds scrutinising before deciding I needed nothing from there! Well, I wasn't going back, I'll have to make do with something else. Tut! 

Proud to be a Nail tech

07727 110413