Wednesday 26 August 2020

Just like Granny’s!

 I was very fortunate if a little reluctant to be gifted some windfall apples recently.

I haven’t baked anything for years, my reason being that if I bake it I have to eat it ... and I can do without the calories!

So I perused the Internet searching for a suitable recipe that didn’t require ingredients that I will never use again, and didn’t require too much effort. There are so many recipes out there, tried and tasted apparently by their creators. I wanted something a little more challenging than an apple crumble, which I rediscovered in my trusty old Be-Ro book. I was side-tracked for a while as I carefully turned the remains of the pages, remembering all the dishes I have made using this book, handed to me by my Granny many many years ago. It was always my reliable go-to for basic cakes that could be made special enough for Sunday teas and even birthday cakes. Enough daydreaming, and back to my search! 

I happened upon a promising recipe which called for very few ingredients and was an easy rubbed-in method so required no special equipment! The only thing I needed to buy was a loaf tin - perfect!

And so my Apple Loaf was born, emerging from the oven with the most delicious aroma ... and now I am sitting with a cup of Earl Grey tea and a slice of my cake.

Thinking about all the cakes and cookies I can bake ... mmm!

Saturday 22 August 2020

Nail bites - sheer sophistication!

 It has been a busy week with one thing and another.

Trying to plan a camping holiday when everything is already fully booked is not much fun! But we have managed to get some time in later in the year to some exciting places that we have never visited before.

I had the pleasure of creating a beautiful gel manicure which glimmers and shines, yet is cool and understated. Using Halo gels with Butterscotch as a base colour overlaid with a very beautiful Rose Gold.

There is nothing loud or brash about this combination; it is pure chic, beautifully stylish. 

And yet, when it catches the light .... wow watch out! 

This is a magical beauty, sheer sophisticated elegance!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Thursday 13 August 2020

Nail bites - Gel or not?

 I offer gel polish  because of its versatility, durability, flexibility ... I have an impressive range of colours, from three systems - each with their own advantages. And of course most of the products I use are vegan and cruelty free. 

Through Lockdown I have been using Orly Breathables for my own nails, a lot! 

A single product that includes base coat, colour, top coat, and lots of goodies to treat the nail with - and the nail really does benefit!

It isn’t an easy product to use as a rule, but I have found that I can use it very successfully, even including some abstract nail art - I have shared some of my designs. 

It is the perfect choice for some clients. 

An allergy to any part of the gel manicure is nasty, but this range offers the client a pretty and affordable alternative to gel polish. 

And there is also the versatility for the client of being able to remove the polish at home! This is great, because quite often a manicure is for a special occasion. The client might prefer to be able to remove the polish easily at home, maybe their job doesn’t allow them to wear it at work - for anyone with a role within a clinical profession you will know that only too well. 

So it is always nice to be able to treat yourself or someone close to you to a lovely luxurious manicure, safe in the knowledge that the product can be removed at home before going back to work.

And I am discovering new colours within the range all the time!

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Sunday 9 August 2020

Nail bites - Astral Flip?!

 If you have been reading my blog - and a massive thank you if you have! - you will know that I have been using Orly Breathables -the perfect mix of base coat, top coat, added nutrient goodies, and a beautiful colour - for some time over lockdown. 

I didn’t think that these polishes could be as versatile as I have found them. And yet I have created some designs that I absolutely adore! 

This time I fancied a red; I went for Astral Flairest. 
Which went on nice and smoothly, with great coverage. I really like this colour and can recommend it. 
But … if you know me, I can’t leave it a plain colour! 
I picked up Freudian Flip: iridescent tones of purple and blue … what could I do with this?
Sooo .. a flash of Freudian Flip graces each nail, just picking each one up and casting it into an orbit with the planets that traverse our skies.

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Nail Bites - Frankincense and Sun

Wow this is an amazing colour. 
My lovely client had suffered two nail breaks so her nails were quite short, but in great condition. Lockdown has meant a beneficial break from nail treatments, hair treatments … so I think that our bodies have flourished from a lack of attention. 
So having sanitised and prepped, her nails didn’t require much attention at all. We just needed to choose a colour!
Which my client pondered over and chose … 
A deep cinnamon red with a hint of sparkle. And add into this … the drama of a cat eye flash across each nail. 
The finished manicure was smart, sassy, and classy. It went perfectly with the outfit she was wearing, and also with her now slightly lighter hair colour. And yet we could see the manicure will also suit a smart lunch out with the girls, or a barbecue with good friends and cocktails. 
I was happy - and more importantly my client loved her nails!

 Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413

07727 110413 

Saturday 1 August 2020

Nail bites - First week back!

This was my first week back, visiting some of my lovely clients.
It was so good to see you all, and also to give your hands a beautifying manicure.
Once you get used to having your nails ‘done’ it is second nature, like going to the hairdressers. And we all missed our hair appointments!
So it was a relief to be able to tidy up your nails and give them the well-served luxury of a pretty gel manicure. 
It not only lifts the spirits and makes us feel good, it is also beneficial to the health of the nails. And of course I always enjoy talking to each of you!
Thank you to all my Nails to You friends!

Proud to be a Nail tech
07727 110413