Monday 26 October 2020

Nail Bites - smooth or not so smooth?

Preparation is key in everything we do, and a manicure is no different.

Many nail techs will do a great job of filing and shaping your nails, much better than you can do yourself. We are used to shaping your nail efficiently and evenly, and we have the tools to be able to do this. 

So after filing your nails you might think that they are ready for the gel polish application.

But as we file your nails, we are also assessing their condition and looking for signs of breakage or splitting, or anything else that could compromise the quality of your manicure.

Any rogue cuticles can be pushed back at this point, giving a good nail surface to work with.

E-files (electric files) can be used at his stage, although I prefer to use a manicure file. Some nail techs will also file the surface of the nail - this is something I won’t do!

I have had a few manicures where the filing of my nail surface has made my nails incredibly sensitive, but it also weakened my nails to an extent where I had to let them grow out over a period of several months to allow them to recover. 

I gave this step a lot of consideration before removing it from my process. I don’t want to hurt my clients!

But I also found out that not every nail is the same, in the same way as no face is the same.

But I also found out that:

Nails have wrinkles!

Yes, just like our skin nails can become wrinkled with age. Although please don’t assume that your bumpy nails are just wrinkled as there are other reasons that can cause imperfections in the nail, so if in doubt always consult a medical professional. Your nail tech will not continue your manicure if there is any doubt regarding the good health of your nails. 

But if your nails have wrinkles there is really no need to file them out! The products I use - base coat, colour, top coat - are all self-levelling, meaning they will smooth out any bumps on the nail. 

Which in turn means that I can offer a gentle experience to your nails, while also giving you a great manicure!

If you have any questions concerning any part of your manicure, please do ask. 

Proud to be a Nail Tech

07727 110413 

Thursday 15 October 2020

Nail Bites - anyone for Lilac?

 I have so many wonderful colours. Each one is chosen because I like it and I would be very happy to wear it. But there are just not enough days in the yea to wear every single colour and combination! The next best thing is to create a gorgeous manicure in these colours for my clients. 

I am always happy with the choice each client makes - there has never been a time when I have doubted a client’s choice. 

So this particular manicure, for a very special person, was an absolute pleasure to do. She initially chose a very pale lilac, which was delicate and pretty, but together we decided to go for a little more depth. And a dainty white flower decal on the ring fingers to make it even more special. 

So this lady was ready for work, play, and a well-deserved treat for herself. Sometimes you need that me-time!

Proud to be a Nail Tech


07727 110413 

Sunday 4 October 2020

October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

 Autumn has finally arrived after a long and luxuriously sunny Summer. With Autumn comes conkers, hibernation, chillier evenings, and brisker winds. Thoughts of Winter are ever closer now! 

October brings Halloween, Stoptober where we can pledge to quit a habit such a smoking, or take a break from drinking alcohol.

October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month - raising awareness of this terrible cancer which can affect anyone, whether you know someone who is fighting it or you are fighting it yourself, or you are involved in research, or raising funds fo that important research, or you are treating a patient with this disease .... it affects every person, regardless of age, gender, religion, wealth, beliefs, likes, dislikes ... every person can and will be affected in some way by this.

23rd October is Wear it Pink - when you can join in and have some fun too! If you know me then you will also know that pink is favourite colour of mine ... in heraldic terms it signifies romance, love and friendship; and denotes feminine qualities and passiveness. But this can be no time for being passive in this fight against cancer! We all have part to play, no matter how small you feel that part is we are all involved this together. I pledge to donate 20% of each extra item sold from my Love Your| goodies. So whether for your self or someone you care about, have a look at my website where you will find plenty of salon quality spa treats at very affordable prices.

I look forward to lots of pink this month!

07727 110413 

Proud to be a Nail Tech