Friday 21 February 2020

New Products!

I was very excited to open my new delivery.

So not everyone wants the commitment of a gel nail set - yes it is great, it’s extremely durable and lasts so well. But gel polish is not suited to everyone for various reasons.
Sometimes a person - and I include me here - doesn’t want gel on. For me, while the gel itself is not damaging, I like to give my nails a break. Or, as I recently have, you might meet someone for whom something in the gel polish acts as an irritant.
I was very excited to discover Orly Breathables. An all-in-one nail polish that actually cares for the nail! And there is a whole range of colours! Oh and it is vegan and cruelty free!
So 12 new colours arrived today, neatly packaged and ready to use! I like to apply two coats for that extra intensity of colour.
From personal experience, the polish lasts very well - I find it lasts better than traditional nail polish. It is easy to apply, dries quickly, does not easily chip, and covers the nail well. Mine lasted over a week before starting to look a bit battered - but in its defence I am a nail tech working on clients’ nails with solutions designed to remove nail polish!

Saturday 15 February 2020

Nails to You

This was something I had dreamt about and finally made a reality almost a year ago.
I had doubts. Still have many doubts. But I want to be successful! I’m not a great designer. I’m not particularly creative. But I have a passion to deliver something that is positive, kind, ethical, and happy.
I may have what some consider as unusual design choices. But I am an individual, I have never conformed to a standard. I am happy to make bold creative choices: they may not always work, but I try.
That doesn’t mean that the more ‘conventional’ choices are wrong, far from it.
It is whatever works for you, for me ... and if it doesn’t, at least I tried!
(But I still have those doubts!)    

Proud to be a Nail Tech